Detroit Independent Film Festival and Big Screen's Babysitter Wanted

Babysitter Wanted was the first movie to be played at the 1st annual Detroit Independent Film Festival. It was playing at the Burton Theatre in Detroit Michigan at 3420 Cass Ave. Click to read more.

Babysitter Wanted was the first movie to be played at the 1st annual Detroit Independent Film Festival. It was playing at the Burton Theatre in Detroit Michigan at 3420 Cass Ave.

Michael Manasseri was available at the showing to present it to the audience and have a question and answer session afterwards.  Michael heads Big Screen Michigan division, which has been doing many things for the film industry, employment, and establishing a presence for Big Screen Entertainment Group.

Check out these links for more information on Babysitter Wanted, and the Detroit Independent Film Festival.

MICentral Events


The Burton Theatre on Metromix

Detroit Motorcityblog

Detroit Independent

Also enjoy this clip of Weird Science on Daily Motion with Michael Manasseri in it.


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