Meet Thea Chi, talented Writer and Director.
Hailing from Taipei, Taiwan, Thea Chi is a up and coming talent in the world of film and television production. With a wealth of experience in Taiwanese and Singaporean film productions, she possesses a profound understanding of the intricacies of film marketing and distribution systems in China.
Thea's passion for storytelling led her to pursue education and training in the United States, honing her skills in film/TV production and IP development.
At present, Thea plays a vital role in Big Screen Entertainment Group, serving as a remote coordinator for foreign content and facilitating co-productions with esteemed entertainment partners in the Asia Pacific region. Her dedication to the industry shines as she takes on the roles of director and producer for several of Big Screen's captivating Roku shows.
With a master's degree in public communication, with a focus on film, TV, and audio, from Syracuse University, Thea's academic foundation complements her artistic prowess. Moreover, she holds two certificates in directing and TV & film development from the esteemed institution, UCLA.
Thea Chi embodies the essence of innovation and creativity, weaving captivating narratives that resonate with audiences worldwide. Her relentless pursuit of excellence cements her position as a force in the realm of cinema, promising an inspiring journey of storytelling and artistry.